Sunday, October 18, 2009

Valley of the Sun Stars

It was great getting together with everyone. We had a really fun night. We decided to do the Valley of the Sun Stars from the Quilter's Cache website for this year's group project. We talked about using jewel tones on a tan background. Each person would choose a color on the color wheel and use its complementary color as a contrast fabric. At our next meeting we need to bring some fabric color swatchs from our stash to show and then we will discuss how we want to proceed with the project.

Debbie, Jeralyn, Patti, and Pam shared some of their projects with us. Check out the pictures below.

Debbie's quilt for new grandson Calvin. Made from super soft flannel and hand quilted.

Jeralyn's, from a kit she purchased at a quilt show.

Disappearing nice patch by Jeralyn. Check out this link for instructions.

Pam's quilt top for Ashley is finished and ready for the quilters.

Patti's found treasure. Patti found this quilt while cleaning out her mothers house. Made with 30's and 40's prints and hand quilted. A good lesson on why we should label our quilts. Her mother can't remember where it came from.

Of course we topped off the evening with a yummy treat. I tried a new recipe from the Cooks Illustrated Lost Recipes Cookbook "Peach Puzzle". The ramekin is placed upside down in the center of a nine inch pie plate. I arranged whole peeled peaches around the ramekin poured syrup over the peaches and then topped the whole thing with a pasty dough and pressed it around the peaches Not the plate. After baking you place a serving plate over the pie plate and flip the dish over. The sauce has collected in the ramekin ready to serve with the peaches.

I created a link where we can list our favorite quilt shops. If you're not sure how to do it just send me the name and I will list it. Pam's is Starry Night Hollow in Encinitas.


  1. Thanks for posting all of the pictures from out quilt group meeting. I'm excited about our new block swap for this year. The links to the quilt stores are great. I'll have to figure out how to do that. I will post the picture of the leaf quilts soon.

  2. Sounds like a fun project! I really like the stars pattern.
